
All of the latest news on performances, releases and press coverage for Mark David Boden's work

All of the latest news on performances, releases and press coverage for Mark David Boden's work



Drifting in a Starless Space to be sung at Royal Wooton Bassett Remembrance Service

Drifting in a Starless Space commissioned by St Mary’s Calne will be performed as part of Remembrance Day services in Royal Wooton Bassett on 9/11/14, conducted by the composer.  more  

Honorable mention in International Composition Competition

Becoming Cyclonic for Reed Quintet received an honorable mention in the Calefax International Composition Competition. The piece was also chosen by the Nexus Quintet to be premiere...  more  

Sinfonia Cymru Commission

Ty Cerdd in association with Sinfonia Cymru have commissioned a new work for string orchestra to be premiered by Sinfonia Cymru and Cremerata Nordica in October 2014. http://sinfon...  more  

New performance dates for 2014

Six world premieres of compositions by Mark David Boden will be performed in 2014. New orchestral works commissioned by Sinfonia Nywedd, Bath Philharmonia and King Edward’s School ...  more